Leasing a taxi without bpm
15 oktober 2021
Are you a taxi driver and would you like to drive around in a representative car? Then the first step begins when purchasing or leasing a car. However, there are a number of pitfalls that you must take into account, including the abolition of the BPM refund . We will tell you more below.
Amount of bpm
Previously, taxi drivers could reclaim the tax on passenger cars and motorcycles, also known as the BPM. However, the government has decided to abolish this since last year. This is because the government wants to go green. If you have many cars in your name that serve as taxi cars, you will have to pay BPM for each car. These amounts can therefore be high. For a car, the bpm is calculated based on the amount of CO2 that the car emits when driving one kilometer. In addition, we look at what fuel the car runs on. The more grams of CO2 your car emits, the more expensive the BPM will be.
Electric car
As was recently mentioned, the government wants to go green. That is one reason why they have abolished the BPM refund. Unlike a diesel or petrol car, an electric car does not emit CO2. This means that you do not have to pay BPM if you use an electric car for your taxi purposes. Fully electric cars are in any case exempt from bpm until 2024 and you will also receive a discount on motor vehicle tax until 2025.
Not only the exemption from bpm and the discount for motor vehicle tax are advantages of electric driving. This means you have low maintenance costs and your taxi company gets a greener image. Moreover, charging an electric car is a lot cheaper than refueling a fuel car: a small disadvantage of electric driving is that you have to wait a while until the car's battery is fully charged.
Leasing or purchasing?
So you have to pay a lot of money if you have taxi cars in your name that emit a lot of CO2. It is therefore a wise choice to switch to electric driving. Now you are faced with the following choice: are you going to lease or purchase an electric car?
Leasing an electric car is becoming increasingly popular, especially Financial Lease . With this lease form, you are immediately the owner of the car, economically speaking. This means that you can deduct various tax costs. Moreover, you are also legally the owner of the car when the lease contract has expired. This is a major advantage in contrast to, for example, Operational Lease, where you have to return the car. Another advantage of Financial Lease is that you don't have to pay a lot of money for a car right away: this is a nice idea, especially as a starter. This way you still have some capital left that you can invest in other aspects of your taxi company.

You have to think about this
It is good to mention that leasing a taxi is a bit more difficult than leasing a private car. This takes into account the industry in which you work. You may also have to provide annual figures and a down payment. This of course depends on the leasing company.