Meet: Edwin
22 januari 2023
Lease advisor with a great passion for cars
123Lease is an independent leasing company that works every day to help entrepreneurs get started worry-free with the leasing solution that suits their business wishes and needs. But who is 123Lease actually and why do we do what we do? In this blog our lease advisor Edwin tells you all about it.

Meet Edwin
Edwin has been a lease advisor at 123Lease for four years. Before car enthusiast Edwin ended up at 123Lease, he was active in the car industry for 18 years, including 4 years at 2 other leasing companies. His passion for cars started early. As a child, he was amazed when his father took him to the AutoRai in Amsterdam. His speaking engagements used to often be about car brands or, for example, drivers in Formula 1. It therefore came as no surprise to those around him when he later started his career in the automotive industry.
Standing by for entrepreneurs
Edwin says: 'Working with entrepreneurs and cars is perfect for me. I enjoy working with hardworking people who work every day to make their dreams and goals come true. We can contribute to this with 123Lease by providing them with beautiful, representative lease cars that are the right, sustainable choice for them as entrepreneurs. My knowledge of and passion for cars helps me enormously. Whether it concerns a starting self-employed person, or an entrepreneur who has been active for years and has a large fleet: I get great satisfaction from helping entrepreneurs find the best (company) car for their personal situation and company.''
Honest and without frills
One of the core values of 123Lease is transparency, which Edwin finds very important. He says: ''We always speak openly and honestly about the budget, the phase a company is in and the associated options. This makes it clear to everyone what is or is not possible and whether something is a wise choice. We always make proposals that suit each individual entrepreneur and his business. I think it is important that we make the time for personal attention and aim for the best possible result for each individual entrepreneur."
Knowledge of and passion for cars
''For some people a car is just a car, for the people in our team news about the latest model from Audi, BMW or Porsche is something you can wake us up at night. We select our people accordingly and customers really benefit from this," says Edwin. He continues: ''Our advisors are always aware of new and older models, their features, functions and accessories. We can advise entrepreneurs well on this. Thanks to our experience and knowledge, we quickly gain a good insight into what suits an entrepreneur. This way we can quickly help you find the right car and you make the right, sustainable choice that suits your business needs."
Fast switching and personal contact
Entrepreneurs want to be able to switch quickly and preferably get on the road today, but in a car that fits seamlessly with their wishes, needs and company. Edwin understands that like no other.
He says: ''Due to the short lines of communication within our team and with our network of banks and garages, we can help our customers quickly and efficiently. Of course without losing sight of the details. We are proud of it. They can always call us with questions and can get on the road quickly and worry-free with their new car."
Tailored advice
Edwin continues: "One person has a very clear idea of the type of car he or she wants to lease, the other says: 'The car must be reliable, look good and my belongings must fit well in it.' We save such a customer a lot of time by asking the right questions and making a number of appropriate suggestions. This way, the new car can be selected quickly and a customer does not have to scour all kinds of garages or websites. As a result, a customer does not have to spend time on this and as an entrepreneur he/she can do what he/she does best: entrepreneurship.”
We have a wide range of cars on our website, but an entrepreneur may have other specific wishes. Edwin continues: ''Going that extra mile for our customers is something we take for granted. We don't rest until we have found the best car for the entrepreneur and his company. As true car enthusiasts, we find this a great challenge! We are only satisfied when the entrepreneur is too.”
Contact Edwin
Do you want to lease a car or company car for business? Please contact Edwin. He is happy to provide you with personal and expert advice. Call Edwin: + 038 - 20 22 66 0 or email him at: .